( Malgorzata Szmurlo, later with the help of her sister, Izabella, were instrumental in the revival of the breed. They are the founders of Celerrimus Kennel, the most important kennel in the contemporary history of the breed.)

Today, one no longer questions the existence of the Polish Sighthound; all the academic discussions on this subject are fortunately closed. The Polish Kennel Club has confirmed the breed in 1981. Eight years later, in June 1989, it was recognized by the FCI.


In sixteen years, significant progress has been realizes with the Chart Polski. WE have started with dogs possessing the pedigrees of only one generation. The origins started with only a small number of the breed, whereas today, the majority of the Chart Polski posses pedigrees with four generations. Only two females are registered with the introductory stud book. One can observe also a clear improvement on the size of the Chart Polski. Previously, one could see subject of a small size which hardly reached the standard size. Currently, the majority of the females are taller than 70cm. At the withers, and 80 cm or more for the males is no longer so exceptional. More and more, one can admire the typical, long, powerful but very noble heads. Fortunately, one no longer sees at shows the heads of the old type with a stop too accentuated, a skull with a frontal furrow; a light, fine, too soft ears. The majority of the Chart Polski have a magnificent coat, typical to the breed; although in a significant number of subject the hair still lack length. Globally, the breed is becoming more and more homogenous.

It has been brought to the attention of the judges and the handlers that the Chart Polski shouldn’t be shown like a Greyhound, with the hind legs drawn far apart and the head held very high. The Chart Polski, compared to the Greyhound, has a different rear angulation, much straighter; a croup more vertical, and the withers much lower. The Chart Polski presented like aGreyhound, in a forced position, is not well emphasized, and looks unnatural. Also the same – at a trot, the correct action of the rear legs of the Chart Polski, in no case should resemble the trot of a Greyhound or Whippet. The Chart Polski tracks in a line (not like the fox): it push one rear foot in front of the other; in this manner their tracks form a single line. The genuine, contemporary Chart Polski is an animal of great size, with a large solid bone structure, with a rather dry musculature: in comparison to the Greyhound the Chart Polski is more veinous. His head is long and noble, slightly divergent- muzzle from topskull, with a roman nose. His coat is hard to the touch, thick in winter, with coulottes on the tights and well defined fringe on the tail (brush). The coat will be thinner in summer.

WORKING DOG OR SHOW DOG? One of the essential components of the Chart Polski is his great physical condition: he is above all wa working dog; the mass of the dog must be of muscle and not of useless fat. It is wrong to speak of coursing dogs and show dogs as separate things. The Chart Polski must be an animal so well formed and trained that it can at any moment to take part in any event in the field

From the article “THE CHART POLSKI” –Malgorzata Szmurlo