Dog Show, Kollaps whippet

At Vicenza national dog show, on 30 june 2019, in  Castenovo di Vicenza, kollaps entered with whippet malae Kollaps U No Es Ningu in junior class and whippet females Kollaps No door or Windows and Kollaps Lit and Bed in junior class too.


Breed judge

Francesco Balducci (IT): Whippet

Best in show judge

Suta Nedim (BA): Levrieri


Kollaps kennel results

Whippet female junior class

Kollaps Lit and Bed

1° ecc. Best junior female


Kollaps No Doors or Windows

2° ecc.


Whippet male junior class

Kollaps U No Es Ningu

1° Ecc. Best of Breed junior, Best of Breed