Kollaps Whippet

NDS Novara (IT)


Kollaps Gluttonyandlust - Junior 

owner Francesco Asso


Breed Judge: Amedeo Bottero

Group Judge: Claudio Montefusco.



CACIB – Certificat d’Aptitude au Championnat International de Beauté de la FCI
The only dogs which can be taken into consideration for the CACIB are those which have been awarded “EXCELLENT 1” in intermediate, open, working and champion class. A CACIB can only be awarded if the dog in question has been assessed as being of superior quality. The CACIB is not automatically and compulsorily linked to the “EXCELLENT 1”

The Reserve CACIB is awarded to the second best dog which was given the qualification “EXCELLENT” from the above mentioned classes. The dog placed second in the class where the CACIB winner comes from can compete for the Reserve CACIB, if awarded excellent. It is not compulsory to award the Reserve CACIB.

The judge awards CACIB and Reserve CACIB according to the quality of the dogs without checking whether they meet the conditions regarding age and/or registration with a studbook recognized by the FCI.

The CAC (Certificat d’Aptitude au Championnat) is a national grading. It is up to the national kennel clubs to decide in which classes and to which dogs this certificate can be awarded. The CAC counts towards a national champion title.

The first title of National Champion earned in an FCI country must be with at least 2 CACs won at shows organised by the same national canine organisation in the same country on two different days.

Only one judge for each sex and breed carries out the granting of all awards, including CACIB, and this judge shall be appointed in advance.Best ofBreed (BOB) and Best of Opposite Sex (BOS)

The Best junior, CACIB winner and best veteran from both sexes, if awarded excellent, will compete for Best of Breed (BOB). The judge must also choose the best exhibit from the opposite sex (BOS) next to the BOB winner.

Main ring competitions
Best in Show, Best in Group, Breeders’ Group, Progeny Group, Couple Class (Brace), Best Veteran, Best Junior, Best Puppy, Best Minor Puppy and Junior Handling must be judged by one judge appointed in advance. To make the competitions in the ring of honour more efficient the judge should prejudge the exhibits or groups in a separate ring in due time before they are expected in the ring of honour so that the judge after watching the dogs enter the main ring can quickly choose the semi-finalists or finalists that will need a closer look. 

The only judges who may judge these competitions are those who are allowed to do so by their respective national canine organization.
If a dog behaves aggressively in the ring (breed-group-finals) and its behaviour is eye-witnessed by the judge in duty, the latter has to write a report for the attention of the organizing committee and has to disqualify the dog for the rest of the competition. All the awards and titles of the day are cancelled.