Kollaps greyhound e whippet kennel
Vicenza dog show 2016
Greyhound puppy class
Kollaps The Forge BEST IN SHOW PUPPY
Handled by lovely Letizia Folletti
Presentation of Kollaps The Forge
Kollaps The Forge is a greyhound male bred by kollaps kennel.
Kollaps The Forge is son of Jet's Give and Take, beauty International, Nordic, Norwegian, Swedish, Finnish, Danish Champion, and mother Blancmange Bolshoi Ballerina, a greyhound female bred by Ove Larsen and imported in Italy in 2010 by Kollaps.
Ballerina is daughter of Jet's Right on Target: and she is International, Slovenian, Croatian and Austria beauty champion.
Main ring competitions
Best in Show, Best in Group, Breeders’ Group, Progeny Group, Couple Class (Brace), Best Veteran, Best Junior, Best Puppy, Best Minor Puppy and Junior Handling must be judged by one judge appointed in advance.
To make the competitions in the ring of honour more efficient the judge should prejudge the exhibits or groups in a separate ring in due time before they are expected in the ring of honour so that the judge after watching the dogs enter the main ring can quickly choose the semi-finalists or finalists that will need a closer look.